Bumpy Lives, Karmic Souls (New York Stories 1 : The Boxer) | My RØDE Cast | RØDE Microphones

Bumpy Lives, Karmic Souls (New York Stories 1 : The Boxer)

Kirstyn Lewis / Joanne Helder

Join astrologer Kirstyn Lewis and her guests from around the world. It was never about our family name, our socio-economic status, our race, our religion or preferences in life. We were all born with a purpose and by sharing our stories we can help heal the pain and inspire greatness. Meet Frank who was shot, stabbed and sent to prison three times. New York in the 1980s was not for the faint hearted during the crack epidemic, gang violence and police brutality, especially when you're black.



Created by: Eduardo Corgos Actors: Alex Conrado and Emerson Jambelli

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Erfan Vafaie