Mid-Week Daily Affirmations | My RØDE Cast | RØDE Microphones

Mid-Week Daily Affirmations


Tells you what’s gold , what’s old and what’s happenin!! You’re sure to get and pick up tidbits of fun ,exciting and actionable advice when you listen in every week with your host, the ever-smiling , jovial,talkative Natasha “Tasha” Gambanjera ,a WRITER and professional VOICE ARTIST .Bringing you an amazing show with surprise guests. A show to listen to anytime of the day,wherever you are, or just to relax. Let Go! Absolute fun and wow moments guaranteed! It’s all about sharing and caring!


Studios & Sanctuaries - Don't Give Up (Matt Plett, artist)

Brian Biedenbach / Studios & Sanctuaries


The Bp Show

Like A Poo in the Sea...

Hannah, Anna, and Evan